Blog English

Entrance to the centre with tree and cycles
Blog English · 14. Februar 2025
Noch ist Winter, doch schon jetzt wirft der nächste heiße Sommer seine Schatten voraus – oder vielmehr sein Fehlen. Im Zentrum für Jung und Alt (ZenJA) in Langen stellt die zunehmende Sommerhitze eine wachsende Herausforderung dar, insbesondere für hitzesensible Menschen wie Kinder und Senioren. Die südliche Ausrichtung des Gebäudes, fehlender Schatten und aufgeheizte Flächen erschweren den Alltag. Wie kann das ZenJA sich an die steigenden Temperaturen anpassen, ohne seine offene und lebendige A

Überschwemmung Saarbrücken
Blog English · 18. Juli 2024
In recent weeks, extreme storms and flooding have hit southern Germany and presented many companies with immense challenges. Major damage and longer business dsiruptions are often the result. But are we really at the mercy of these forces of nature?

Blog English · 18. Juni 2024
Can we simply demand help and sit back? It's true, the state and local authorities should have taken more timely measures to prevent or mitigate the devastating effects of recent floods or the several thousand deaths per year here in Germany. People often claim that local authorities have failed in their duty to protect citizens and businesses. But is this the full picture?

Shading blinds for the work place
Blog English · 29. September 2023
I recently heard a presentation by a climate manager of a medium-sized city on their advisory services to help companies adapt to the impacts of climate change. I thought it was a great offer, especially since the topic of adapting businesses has not really been established with cities nor with businesses. Encouraging: one company had already used the service and asked for specific advice. The company's problem was a high heat load in their offices caused by an extensive glass façade. The...

Blog English · 25. Juni 2023
"There is no river nearby that could overflow its banks, only a small stream. Extreme heavy rains are also extremely rare and very small-scale. We won't be affected by that." And heat? "Well, we've had a few hot summers now and then, but it won't be like this every time. Let's hope the next one will be moderate. Other countries, especially in the south, such as Spain, Italy, Greece or Africa, are actually experiencing increasingly serious problems," is what I often hear when I talk to friends,...

Pices of a puzzle climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation
Blog English · 15. März 2023
that may sound sensible, because if we can't stop climate change, then we should fully concentrate on climate adaptation, right? What other choice do we have? You may look at it that way, But if we cease all efforts to mitigate climate change, we will end up with a 4 or even more degree scenario instead of the targeted 1.5-2 degrees increase of global temperature. Even the latter will lead to considerable climate risks here and worldwide. Events such as the disastrous flooding event in the...

Blog English · 01. Januar 2023
Yes, we have replaced light bulbs with LED bulbs, bought more energy-efficient equipment and machines, and turned down our room temperature. All this helps to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and to curb climate change. We have adapted to the new situation. But, this is not climate change adaptation or, in longhand, adaptation to the consequences of climate change. Despite all efforts to mitigate climate change, at best we are reducing the change to a global temperature increase of 1.5...

Blog English · 11. November 2022
New ideas from the GreenQuays project start stretching beyond the initial plans. I have already talked earlier about the GreenQuays project of EU Urban Innovative Action in Breda, where the city daylights its old river and develops a new technology to green the vertical quay wall - the Nature-Inclusive Quays (NIQ). Here, plants will grow directly in the joints and niches on the wall, as they often do spontaneously in/on old, weathered walls. As an UIA expert, I advise the city here. While most...

Blog English · 05. August 2022
Reducing energy costs during heatwaves and maintaining work performance Yesterday, a colleague called me - 32 degrees Celsius in his office, but only 24 degrees in mine. How can that be? Germany, Europe is suffering from heatwaves this summer and discussions on climate change are once again up with people and governments. Apart from the general and very serious consequences such as cardiovascular problems, heat stroke, death of people, and further fuelling devastating forest fires, the heat...

Blog English · 13. Mai 2022
As some of you may know, I am part of the technical evaluation team for the European Green Capital and the European Green Leaf Award, responsible to look at cities’ climate change adaptation actions. Usually, that means ...

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